August 4, 2015

While traversing through dense rainforest in the late morning about an hour from his village, Mr.Matidris made his way into a clearing where to his shock he saw two creatures walking side by side. Frightened by the angry looking expression on their faces he quickly climbed up a tree and for the next few minutes was able to watch them from an initial distance of just over five meters. His vantage point enabled him to closely observe the pair as they slowly made their way across the forest floor.
Once he felt safe he climbed down and began examining their tracks.On closer inspection he believed that at one point prior to encountering them they were walking quadrupedally as he saw what appeared to be hand prints on the forest floor.

Saya adalah seorang penggemar Cryptozoology, Hiking, Camping, Traveling, Saya menulis di blog untuk membagikan pengalaman saya. Terima kasih telah berkunjung